AEL Fences Medal Tests


We’ve added an AEL Medal for Intermediate and Open youth riders!! The Medal qualifications are attached and the tests will be found below.

For the 2023-24 season we’ll offer an AEL Medal Class at the AEL National Championships.

  1. Youth riders in the Intermediate or Open level are qualified to ride in the AEL Medal.

  2. This is an additional class to the regular AEL classes. Host barns may choose to offer the AEL Medal but aren’t required to offer it.

  3. The AEL Medal Class will be offered after the Open and Intermediate classes are held.

  4. The AEL Medal Class will use the rider’s flat and practicum scores from their regular class. Their fences score will be a fences course created by the host barn and posted the morning of the competition (or added to the team packets and placed in the judge’s packet) and that fences course will be added to their flat and practicum scores.

  5. The fences medal round will use the regular fences scoring grid on a scale of 0-40. The course will be created using the Medal templates for Fences 1-5 found under Fences Scoresheets under Competitions. The template will have 8 tasks and can use one, two or three (max) of the following fence tests:

    • Halt

    • Trot Fence

    • Demonstrate two simple changes of lead down the long side

    • Demonstrate a sitting trot

  6. The cost of the Medal class in regular competitions will be $50 in addition to their regular class fees.

  7. In order to qualify for the AEL Medal class at the AEL National Championships a rider must score two scores of at least 85 points in a season competition in either an AEL Medal class or their regular Intermediate or Open class and be qualified for Nationals in their regular class. Then the top 15 riders with the highest score totals will be invited to compete in the AEL Nationals Medal class. Cost of the Medal class at Nationals will be $75.00.

  8. Separate prizes will be awarded for the AEL Medal at Nationals, including a scholarship to Lake Erie College in Painesville, OH